Davina is a joke davesona created by Sleepy
Davina looks like your typical cringy fangirl/simp of Dave (except she's not), wearing orange socks and gloves, dark blue shorts, a cyan long-sleeved shirt with the text "I HATE BANDU FANGIRLS" on it and a mask that resembles the icons of David.
Davina tends to be very conceited, sadistic, hostile, two-faced, manipulative and anxious; always wanting to get all the love and admiration she thinks to deserve at any costs and without caring if she harms or hurts others in order to get it, especially when it comes to her crush; David. However, her bad temperament and violent personality doesnt help her at all, becoming very jealous and deranged when seeing other people get that attention without any struggles (this often ends up in her injuring them badly out of pure rage and anguishment)
The fact that people say frequently pests about her and her completely insane obssesion is something that she always tries to wipe by presenting herself as someone extremely friendly and positive as well that smiling all the time, only showing her true personality with the people she really despises
- She always covers her face with a mask because, according to her, "she's too beautiful for the world to appreciate it"
- The reality is that deep down she knows that she is ugly as hell but even with that she still considers herself the hottest bitch in the whole world
- Her voice is more masculine than feminine for some reason.
- Davina takes antipsychotics, so it can be guessed that she may suffer from some mental illness
- She hates and despises Bandu and Dave's fangirls, she would spit in all their faces if she had the opportunity
- In her own words, "It's detestable to see someone fall for such ugliest people"
- She is somewhat a pervert (DON'T-)
- She refuses to believe that David obviously doesn't love her and that he never will.
- Davina doxxed herself once
- She often carries a hidden knife wherever she goes due to her nervousness and paranoia.
- The way Davina kills her victims is by drugging them with her own medicines
- She tends to become more violent and aggressive than usual when being under the influence of alcohol.
- She is the stereotype of a Yandere made davesona
- She has an alter ego called ''Davis''; they are very close to each other and he only manifests himself in the form of hallucinations
- He is also a reflection of Davina's insecurities
- Davina is a mythomaniac
- Her personality is mainly based on Katie Killjoy
- Both Davis and Davina's masks are meant to allude to Sock and Buskin