Dringi is a ringisona created by @Daveandbambifanlol, he is an upcoming character in dave and bambi ultimate metaverse.
Dringi is similar to ringi and expunged during cheating he wears black pants with a white shirt and a pyramid on his chest he also wears two rings on his legs he wears a long hat with two rings and a hammerhead shark on his head.
- Dringi is a fan of dreamworks movies.
- Dringi idolizes Banbodi for some reason.
- Dringi has another brother named Bringi.
- Dringi was born on June 27, 2001.
- The Dringi hammerhead shark is called maio.
- Dringi is straight.
- Dringi is Jambi's rival.
- Dringi is a partner and friend of vemdi.
- Dringi hates nfts.