Dave and Bambi Fanon Revival Wiki

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Dave and Bambi Fanon Revival Wiki
Unfinished Page

Shut up already because L + ratio + didn't asked + refresh + no u + unfollow + stay mad + radio + ur sus + ur white + ok kid + dont care + u fell off - Baiburg

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Elizabeth is a someone bambisona, she was created by Andika simple known as TheBanbodiLoverMan123 or TheAndikaOfficial.


Elizabeth similiar to Expunged during Cheating but has black long hair wear a purple hat, shirt and black pants.

In Crismon Form. She similiar to Banzord but Elizabeth hat and shirt appear to dark violet and her hat with triplet spike with halos, and her spiked collar on the neck and Her eyes sclera are Black and pupils are white.


  • Elizabeth is 13 years old.
  • Elizabeth sexuality is AsexualAs.
  • Elizabeth IQ is 34.


someone elizabeth fan art by people bruh.
