Dave and Bambi Fanon Revival Wiki

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Dave and Bambi Fanon Revival Wiki

Rafe is the first Davesona created by StickMan13, he's the main character from his own mod, FNF: Donut Mania.


Rafe's appearance is VERY similar to Dave’s OG appearance from Dave’s Fun Algebra Class but 2D, however he wears a malibu blue hoodie with pink sundown strings on it, red orange pants, he has heliotrope purple hair, his wheelchair is texas yellow and appears to have donut wheels on his wheelchair.

In his origin form, he takes the exactly similar appearance to Bandu’s origin form, the difference is that his witch hat is blue along with his shirt and his pants are red. He appears to float and don’t be sitting on his wheelchair.


  • Rafe likes candy, specifically his favorite candy is M&Ms.
  • His favorite pastry are the donuts.
  • He worked on a carpet factory before.
    • He is now retired from said job, and works now in a Donut store.
  • Rafe is on good terms with Baldi, Dave and Billy.
    • He is also on neutral terms with Denied Cellar and Alex.
  • When he uses his decimated form, he can be able to survive without eating nothing related with the sugar.
  • Rafe is VERY allergic to the rusty metal.
  • He lives in New York.
  • Rafe’s favorite games are: Garfield Racing, Super Mario 64 and Super Meat Boy.
  • He hates FastToon SO MUCH.
  • Rafe’s favorite donut flavor are the pink with sprinkles ones.
  • He has a dog called “Sprinkles”.
  • Like OG Dave, his voice is also a Text to Speech voice. The Text to Speech that is gonna be used for his vocals is the Matthew voice.
  • Rafe is probably a reference to Homer Simpson because they like to eat donuts,even Rafe doesn’t drinks beers like how does Homer.
  • Before Rafe had his own mod (Donut Mania), he was formerly in Bambi DLC.



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Original Mod DaveNewIcon Dave - Bambi Icon Bambi - TristanNewIcon Tristan - Playrobot icon Playrobot - Expunged icon (asterix) Expunged - ExbungoIcon Exbungo - Recurseor Recurser - BanduOriginIcon Bandu
Davesonas DevodIcon Devod - RafeIcon Rafe
Bambisonas Mercallo icon Mercallo - DanhiWinning Danhi - DarellIcon (1) Darell - Costume3 (8) Slushi - Dinklebi icon new Dinklebi - PanbiIcon Panbi - Bambuzz Icon Bambuzz - Vemdi icon Vemdi - HeartbiIcon Abbi - CakepopsIcon Cakepops - Rambicon Rambi - RandauIcon Randau - link={{{3}}} The Red Flashdrive - link={{{3}}} Zoomzi
Tristansonas TRANTIS icon TRANTIS
Other link={{{3}}} badai2023_recent - Karmanormicon Karma - Green pc Xenolite - Y/N
Media B̶̺͎͍͙̌A̷̧̙̣͒ͅN̴̖̹̓͗͆̆͘D̶̝͉̳̳̈͘Ư̷̡͓̟͖͇̾̀-Icon B̶̺͎͍͙̌A̷̧̙̣͒ͅN̴̖̹̓͗͆̆͘D̶̝͉̳̳̈͘Ư̷̡͓̟͖͇̾̀
D-Sides CaffoLoseIcon Caffo - Markus icon Markus - Daniel icon Daniel - YurandiIcon Yurandi