1. You can make pages about anything, like fanon characters, fanon locations, games, species, companies/corporations, ETC., as long as it is remotely related to DNB/DFAC or it's other fanon content. Pages about anything completely unrelated will be deleted. You are allowed to put non-DNB characters/mods in a subpage of your userpage. (examples: User:<insert name here>/Sandbox, User:<insert name here>/[character/mod name]) . You cannot make pages about base DNB characters (Dave, Bambi, Tristan, etc) or base characters of well-known DNB mods (Bandu, Conbi, Hellbreaker, etc), however you are allowed to add these characters into mods or create pages about retakes of these characters.
(Breaking this rule = Page deleted)
Note that on December 16th, 2024, pages about any form of longtracks were completely banned from creation on the wiki. Creating any pages about longtracks will lead to the page being deleted.
2. Do not make pointless categories, like "Blue Characters" or a category for only one character. Also do not create categories exclusively for your/someone else's characters. (Example: <insert name here>'s Ocs)
(Breaking this rule = Category deleted)
2.5. Please make sure the categories in your page actually make sense and match up with stuff in the page. Out of place categories will be removed.
(Breaking this rule = Categories removed)
3. Please have common sense, no death threats, harassment, starting arguments, spreading misinformation, trolling, acting immature, etc.
(Breaking this rule = Warning - Indefinite block depending on severity)
4. Do not spam posts in the discussions.
(Breaking this rule = 3 days - 1 month block depending on severity)
5. No NSFW/fetish Images or behavior. Cropped images of these also breaks this rule.
5.5. You also cannot make pages of characters based off of NSFW/fetish media. (I.E. Changed)
(Breaking this rule = Blocked for 1 month or more depending on severity)
6. Goreposting (images of real life gore) will not be tolerated.
(Breaking this rule = Indefinite block + report to fandom)
7. Do not vandalize pages.
(Vandalize once = Blocked for a day)
(Vandalize twice = Blocked for a week)
(Excessive vandalism/Vandalize thrice = Indefinite block)
8. Please make sure to put your posts in the correct category, this isn't really a rule but it's recommended so none of us have to go around changing the categories on posts for an hour, thank you.
(Breaking this rule = Nothing lol)
9. If you want to add a character that isn't yours to a page, please get permission from the owner of that character beforehand.
(Breaking this rule = Warning + Stolen character(s) removed)
10. Abide by Fandom's TOS.
(Breaking this rule = 1 month block - Indefinite block depending on broken rule)
11. This wiki, like a vast majority of wikis on fandom are 13+. If you are discovered to be under 13 you will be blocked.
(Breaking this rule = Blocked until 13 years of age (Indefinite if age unknown))
12. Do not use songs you don't have permission to use, please either get permission for the song, or make a song to replace it. Breaking this rule repetitively results in a short block.
(Breaking this rule = Warning/1 day block + Stolen song(s) removed)
13. Do not necropost. Replying to a post that has been inactive for over a week will result in a warning. Repetitive necroposting results in a block.
(Breaking this rule = Warning-3 day block)
14. No tracing other people's art unless you have some sort of permission. (Breaking this rule = Blocked for a day)
15. Usage of slurs is not tolerated. (Breaking this rule = Blocked for 1 month-Indefinite block depending on severity)
16. Do not impersonate or act like a staff member if you don't have any roles. (Breaking this rule = Warning, 1 day-1 week block if repeated)
Staff are also affected by the rules and must follow them, you are not exempt. These rules are exclusively for staff. (they have to follow the rules above too, fyi)
1. Do not delete pages unless they are very controversial or you have another good reason to, also do not delete pages for a biased reason. This also applies to files (images, videos, audio, etc)
(Breaking this rule = Warning (Demotion if broken multiple times))
2. Do not block users for invalid reasons, The user must break rules multiple (once depending on the rule) times or have done especially horrible actions offsite to warrant being blocked from the wiki.
(Breaking this rule = Warning/Demotion)
3. Don't make edits to the wiki's theme, navigation, or CSS unless you have permission.
(Breaking this rule = Warning/Demotion depending on severity)
4. Don't lock posts for no reason; There must be an ongoing argument, controversy, or a recent necropost for a post to be locked.
(Breaking this rule = Warning/Demotion depending on severity)
5. Don't unblock users before their block ends unless some of the staff members agree to the unblock.
(Breaking this rule = Demotion + potential block (ranging from 3 days - 1 month)