Dave and Bambi Fanon Revival Wiki

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We are a Wiki DEDICATED to show Dave and Bambi Fan-made content!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (we also have ocs), so pls....look at our wiki......PLEASE DO.


Dave and Bambi Fanon Revival Wiki
Resolved Controversy

Ok thanks - Danhi

The controversy surrounding the creator of this page or the page itself has been resolved.
Please, avoid harassing anyone who was involved into it.
Thanks You!

Reason: Xeno (creator of Vemdi, Panbi and Vemba would been lying to people with his mod Ultimate Metaverse, claiming that it was gonna be real, the development went extremely slow at a point to ended up vaing 0 progress, Xenolite did not told anyone about this and keep making promo of Vemdi with the mod, when everyone finded out they all got extremely pissed off at him.
Weeks later Xeno apologized for the whole mod situation and everyone apologized for the agressive reposonse of the lie, hes in good terms with everyone now.

"I actually found the broke of the game."
Vemdi Vemdilious Vemdor

NOTE 1: This page is moved to the new wiki because the old one died.

NOTE 2: Missing and Scrapped assets were found from the old wiki.

NOTE 3: This page might be improved soon or later.



Vemdi appears similar to Expunged, but is wearing a cyan hat, cyan shirt, yellow pants, and is holding 8 mobile phones. and has black eyes and a fang smile.




  • Vemdi has the ability to go to the 2D world.
  • Vemdi's birthday is on March, 31, 2003.
  • Vemdi is a employee for 3D Hut.
  • Vemdi's favorite ice cream flavors is Cookie Dough, Vanilla, and Chocolate.
  • Vemdi is bisexual.
  • Vemdi is 21.
  • Vemdi likes gaming with Annembi.
  • Vemdi was walking outside until he accidentally broke a window in pracdi's house, which caused him and pracdi to become enemies.
  • Vemdi's full name is Vemdi Vemdilous Vemdor.
  • Vemdi's vocals originally came from a video called i broke the game. so i found 1/2.
  • Vemdi has a wife named Vemba.
  • Vemdi has brown hair.
  • Vemdi has a house in his own dimension.
  • Vemdi has a cat named Tom.
  • Vemdi's name is pronounced "Vem-dee".
  • Vemdi's favorite cereal is Reese's Puffs.
  • Vemdi was born on a small village named Moonvale.


v - e
Original Mod DaveNewIcon Dave - Bambi Icon Bambi - TristanNewIcon Tristan - Playrobot icon Playrobot - Expunged icon (asterix) Expunged - ExbungoIcon Exbungo - Recurseor Recurser - BanduOriginIcon Bandu
Davesonas DevodIcon Devod - RafeIcon Rafe
Bambisonas Mercallo icon Mercallo - DanhiWinning Danhi - DarellIcon (1) Darell - Costume3 (8) Slushi - Dinklebi icon new Dinklebi - PanbiIcon Panbi - Bambuzz Icon Bambuzz - Vemdi icon Vemdi - HeartbiIcon Abbi - CakepopsIcon Cakepops - Rambicon Rambi - RandauIcon Randau - link={{{3}}} The Red Flashdrive - link={{{3}}} Zoomzi
Tristansonas TRANTIS icon TRANTIS
Other link={{{3}}} badai2023_recent - Karmanormicon Karma - Green pc Xenolite - Y/N
Media B̶̺͎͍͙̌A̷̧̙̣͒ͅN̴̖̹̓͗͆̆͘D̶̝͉̳̳̈͘Ư̷̡͓̟͖͇̾̀-Icon B̶̺͎͍͙̌A̷̧̙̣͒ͅN̴̖̹̓͗͆̆͘D̶̝͉̳̳̈͘Ư̷̡͓̟͖͇̾̀
D-Sides CaffoLoseIcon Caffo - Markus icon Markus - Daniel icon Daniel - YurandiIcon Yurandi

Vemdi Getting Worse trilogy:

Vemdi(Main) - Vedi - V - ✞︎
